Assessing the influence of environmental regulation on carbon sequestration in China: Towards a sustainable future

Jan 1, 2024ยท
Lei Chen
Danbo Chen
Danbo Chen
Nianjiao Gong
Jiahong Qin
ยท 0 min read
Carbon sequestration is vital to maintaining carbon neutrality and mitigating climate change’s impact on humans and the environment. As the government’s role in eco-advocacy is primarily designed to safeguard the environment, this paper discusses the impact of government environmental regulations on carbon sequestration. By analyzing 286 cities from 2000 to 2019 in China, we propose that government environmental regulation can lead to a 0.77% increase in carbon sequestration. Additionally, industrial agglomeration and industrial structure advancement are regarded as viable channels. As a result of the differences in city types, government intervention, and public concern across different cities, the impact is likely to vary as well.
Journal of Environmental Management